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The answer seems to be 'No'.
I downloaded DesignPad, and upgraded it by paying the £9.99 for the Pro Feature Pack, but all you end up with is a clunky DTP package capable of 'designing' business cards and letterheads, and as one of the positive reviews put it,"Even my kids can do designs on this!"
Which of course they can't, do designs that is.
Anyway, that's beside the point. The point is that you can sort-of-save your 'creations' as things which proper QX can see, but you CAN'T pick up existing jobs from QX and take things from them, or even just look at them on screen.
I'm going to have to bite this bullet and start working in Pages on my Mac, as documents saved in Pages CAN be viewed on the iPad (which obviously also has Pages program). In the meantime, if there's anything on my Mac that I desperately want to view on my iPad (desperately?) then I'm going to have to copy the QX doc, paste it into a Pages doc, and save that instead! Or go down the equally awkward PDF route.
iCloud sharing seemed like a good idea at the time, but now of course...
Thanks for the attempts to resolve this, much appreciated.