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Has Anyone Here Installed An 'upgrade' To Windows 10 From Windows 7?

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Impret-Sir | 12:19 Thu 26th Dec 2019 | Technology
14 Answers
I am thinking of purchasing an upgrade key from a en Ebay seller, which presumably then allows me to download the OS direct from Microsoft. I am aware that this will take a long time, (probably most of the night as my broadband speed is rubbish!) but other than that, does anyone envisage any problems with this route?


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Why do you need to purchase an"upgrade key" from ebay?
12:26 Thu 26th Dec 2019
If your connection speed is that bad take a memory stick to a pals house who has a better connection.
As far as the installation goes there should be no issues but PLEASE back up all your personal stuff and expect some minor compatibility issues if you have older programs installed.
personally would not buy software from Ebay, you don't know what other software has been embedded.
Why do you need to purchase an"upgrade key" from ebay?
Yes windows will do an update but ~I'm sticking with 7 for the time being.
These are the important parameters.
Minimum system requirements for Windows 10
1. Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
2. RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
3. Hard drive space: 32 GB or larger
4. Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 driver
5. Display: 800x600 screen resolution
6. Internet Connection: Internet connectivity is necessary to activate, perform updates, and to download and take advantage of some features.

Now I know that the internet connection is obvious but you may have problems if you are on a capped contract. If you are I would remove the cap before you start any download and just pay your provider if you exceed your limit.
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Thanks everyone for your answers. Right now my PC is wrking fine, so I am a bit reluctant to 'rock the boat', but as support for Win7 ends soon, and my PC exceeds the technical requirements for Win10, I am tempted to update it while it is free to do, rather than lash out on a new machine. I expect a few hardware incompatibility issues, like my printer driver for example, but as I use open source office software that can be updated for free too. Togo, I had not realised I could still do it for nothing direct from Microsoft, so thanks for that tip! My broadband contract is capped, but not between midnight and 8AM, so I planned to set it going then going to bed to let it get on with it!
Yes I used to do the same impret when I had ~PAYG dongle which did the job, now with BT unlimited will check speed and get back to you.
Checked with wireless connection

Latency 13 ms
Download speed 61.3 mbs
Upload speed 17.2 mbs

plenty quick enough for me for just normal interweb browsing.
Ta Impret-Sir. Hope it goes right for you. Slow broadband can also mean broadband with glitches and breaks but should be better overnight with demand lower. Do let us know how it goes, here on this thread. I am sure it will be just fine. Another tip. You will not require 3rd party add on "security" programmes with W10. Defender is perfectly adequate if you are "sensible" about the sites that you visit.
"support for Win7 ends soon"

Completely irrelevant. When did you last call Microsoft for support?
"Support" means urgrades and security developments to meet new virus or malware threats. Not a shoulder to ring up and cry on.
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Also, as Win7 fades into the past, I wonder if other software I might install will no longer support it.
It cuts both ways. Some software currently running under W7 will not run on W10 and some new software won't run under W7. Some hardware you have may cease to work on W10 as there will not be drivers for it (I lost a perfectly good laserjet printer when I upgraded my OS).

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Has Anyone Here Installed An 'upgrade' To Windows 10 From Windows 7?

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