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Flags appearing on Google

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ChickLittle | 23:37 Wed 11th Sep 2002 | Technology
6 Answers
Can anyone tell me why various nation's flags have started appearing on the Google Search Engine site ?


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Yep! I made a request asking about this (among other oddities in their pages) and here is the answer from Google: Thanks for your email about the flag appearing on our home page. We have investigated your report and believe the problem lies with a corrupted version of the homepage being served by your internet service provider NTL. ISPs often store (cache) versions of popular websites that their users frequently visit. They serve this locally stored copy of the page to save time for users. We are working with NTL to solve this problem. In the meantime, the appearance of the home page should not interfere with your ability to search on Google. Please do let us know if your Internet Service Provider is not NTL. Regards, The Google Team
Thanks JHWS - I was wondering the same question. I noticed it only appeared on NTL
As nations is, in this context, a plural, the apostrophe is placed after the s, not before, ie nations'.
But, Spellmaster. the flags do not belong to nations i plural, they belong to a nation, singular. Do you actually contribute anything useful to this site?
Pinotage, you are wrong. The word here is being used in the plural - various nations - so it nations'. You can have a nation's flag, or various nations' flags. As to useful contributions - yes, I contribute a better understanding of grammar and spelling of our native tongue, so that people can learn and avoid mistakes in the future. Bad spelling and grammar can be very costly, as it can lead to miscommunications, misunderstandings and can, for example, make the difference between a successful job application and an unsuccessful one. So yes, pointing out grammatical errors and correcting them can be useful.
spellmaster--aye right

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Flags appearing on Google

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