Looks like you have either got to clean up or replace the pads. Messy, messy job. Gloves needed and care and patience. The pads are somewhere behind the cartridge holders and can be drained with absorbent tissue(good quality type recommended) and you will need to disable the printer whilst you do it. Go into change the cartridges routine and when the carriage centres ... unplug it! Take out the cartridges and the ink absorbent pads will be in a rubber trough or container possible on the right as you look at the machine. You can allow the tissue to soak up excess ink and get some working life back or after removing excess ink replace the pads. Canon will supply them if you go to their website. If you replace them or drain the excess with tissue(WEAR GLOVES) remember hold down the power button, then plug the printer back in, whilst holding it down. Continue holding the power button down until the printer begins to reset itself and come online.