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Laptop Up To It?

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andy-hughes | 22:12 Mon 26th Oct 2020 | Technology
6 Answers
I use an Lenovo Ideapad 320S to run my mobile disco software.

It has about 6,000 MP3's on it, filed under 'Music''.

When I open up and click on Music, I get a bar across the top and a green bar starts to move across, getting a little further on each time, until it gets to the end - takes about a minute.

That's no problem, as I am doing other stuff, I hit my software, and off I go, everything is fine.

But the thought occurs, if the laptop is taking this long to analyse (if that's what it's doing, i have no idea!) the MP3's, could it be that it's not up to the job?

If so, i can upgrade, I don;t want the whole thing falling over in the middle of a gig!

Any advice appreciated.


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You've probably done it right but, regrettably, it hasn't fixed the problem. Here's the next thing I'd try: 1. Double-click 'This PC'. 2. Right-click on 'Music' and select 'Properties'. 3. Click 'Customise'. 4. Change 'Optimise this folder for' from 'Music' to 'General'. 5. Click 'Apply'. 6. Click 'OK'. See if that makes any difference. If it doesn't, try...
23:08 Mon 26th Oct 2020
From personal experience Lenovo can be a little fragile so I would never recommend one. That said the spec of this machine, for Windows 10, is very marginal and the 128gb drive not overgenerous. 6000mp3 is not a massive amount but any drive which is over half full or more will slow down significantly. If the option is available a bit of extra ram would speed things a bit.
I guess it's looking at all the files in the directory in order to list them. 6000 is a lot. Can you index the drive and see if it speeds things up ? Also check that you have enough free disk space.
Try rebuilding the index:

1. Start typing 'indexing' in the Search box.
2. When you see 'Indexing Options', click on it.
3. Click 'Advanced'.
4. Click 'Rebuild'.
5. Go and make a cuppa - it's gonna take time!
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Thanks guys for the advice.

Chris, I followed your instructions, it indexed about 14 thousand items in about five minutes.

No difference in the Music loading - have I done it right?
You've probably done it right but, regrettably, it hasn't fixed the problem. Here's the next thing I'd try:

1. Double-click 'This PC'.
2. Right-click on 'Music' and select 'Properties'.
3. Click 'Customise'.
4. Change 'Optimise this folder for' from 'Music' to 'General'.
5. Click 'Apply'.
6. Click 'OK'.

See if that makes any difference. If it doesn't, try changing 'General' back to 'Music' again.
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That's done it!

Thanks Chris!!

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