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Dvd Players

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Rosie29 | 15:40 Wed 02nd Dec 2020 | Technology
4 Answers
I know they are going on obsolete but I would like to get one for someone who misses his.
Just casually looking Ive seen a Tesco model with "upscaling HD" which is supposed to enhance the picture quality of old DVDs.
At £35 its not the cheapest but Im wondering if it is a good buy. It has had good reviews. Any thoughts ? Anyone got one ? Thanks.



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I've just looked on the Tesco site and the only one I can see for £35 is an LG, not a Tesco model.
LG is a good make so it should be okay. There is a Panasonic and a Sony dvd player cheaper at Curry's but make sure the connection will fit your friend's tv. Does their tv have a Scart connection?
Also check that your friend has no blu ray discs that they will want to watch
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I will - thanks Barry.
not an answer but why are they becoming obsolete and what's next.

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