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what webcam?

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Jules001 | 20:29 Fri 02nd Dec 2005 | Technology
1 Answers
we are looking to buy a web cam for MIL for xmas and I have 2 questions,

firstly she only has a dial up 56k modem, will a web cam still perform ok or at all with this low spec.
secondly as she only uses the computer every so often, we don't want to buy a top of the range one, but equally don't necessarily want the cheapest on the market - can anyone recommend a good one. Although I am fairly computer literate, I can't tell how to recognise a good one from it's spec. Any help please.


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I use one and it is fine - it even has a microphone built in. Only �11.40. But try kelkoo for other prices maybe with more in the pack.

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