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Paigntonian | 17:20 Sun 07th Mar 2021 | Technology
8 Answers


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There's no really practical alternative to using the space bar (other than using a different keyboard, of course). On a keyboard with a numeric keypad, it's possible to generate a space by holding down the Alt key, typing 32 and then releasing the Alt key. However that's impractical if you're tying more than a few words.

If you're using a desktop computer, a replacement wired keyboard needn't cost you more than a few quid. e.g. £8 in Asda:

You can also use the same type of keyboard with a laptop, just by plugging it into a USB port.

Replacement keyboards for laptops generally only cost around £15 (although prices vary greatly, depending on the make and model of the laptop), with the instructions for fitting them often available on YouTube. (I've replaced several laptop keyboards myself. With some laptops it only takes a couple of minutes but with others it can be a more fiddly task, taking a bit longer). If you need the services of a technician though, DON'T go to Currys/PC World, as they'll charge you £60 (plus the cost of the keyboard) for just a few minutes work. Phone around local independent computer repair shops for a more reasonable price.
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Have you tried holding your keyboard upside down and giving it a good, hard shake or prising the key off to clean underneath?
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Thanks again all. For the mo using on-screen keyboard.
You could try prising off the space bar with a thin screwdriver, giving it all a good shake and clean-out and tapping at whatever is under the space bar, then replacing and trying again. That's what I'd do. I'd cerainly have a fiddle before buying a new keyboard.
As a stop-gap you could use the copy function (Ctrl c) [of a space] and paste (Ctrl v) – if using Word you could even copy this from another document.
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