Yesterday I plugged my tablet in and immediately noticed difficulties. It was beeping...meaning an improper connection...and didn't charge. I switched to a new cable with no improvement. It will lose charge as I use it...and when I dont. It will only fully charge if turned off...and propped up. If not in the right drains.
Is it battery or charging port?
Am currently using a FIRE tablet which is an absolute piece of rubbish.
That's what I's been knocked off the table a few times over the years. Resulting in the cable being bent...if that gets bent I'm sure the port gets damaged. Just surprised at such a sudden deterioration.
£15 is less than I expected.
I unexpectedly had to collect a parcel in town and did not want to take my tablet with me, and go looking for repair places. I'm popping into a local place tomorrow, but I'm worried they'll want to send it away.
Don't let them send it away, the port is very common and the job straightforward. It took 2 hours when I had mine repaired but luckily I have been using the shop for years and trust them.
It would be good if someone could recommend a place local to you. I prefer an established brick and mortar business to a market stall
Got it sorted. Took it to local place and nice young woman gave it a look and said there was a bent prong in the charging port. She poked at it a bit, said it was now fine and sent me away with the cable she'd tested it with. No charge...result!