Quizzes & Puzzles13 mins ago
Roof Solar Panels.
11 Answers
I have been seriously planning to have solar panels and a battery storage system installed on my house. BUT I do not know how to go about getting advice and people to fit the system. So far I have drawn a blank and heard from a lot of jokers! Can anyone advise me on where I should apply and any personal experiences would be appreciated. I live in Wiltshire. Any thanks. Bramley.
Looks like you may have missed this years' Solar Together scheme https:// www. wiltshire. gov. uk/ article/ 6264/ Solar- panel- and- storage- group- buying- scheme- to- launch- across- Wiltshire I did the Essex one last year and install was this Feb, looking at various adverts my install looks to have saved me about 25-30%. Chances are they'll run another...
16:06 Wed 24th Aug 2022
I don't know how much research you have already done "Bram, but the first link has some info and the second has a questionaire where you can click some boxes and get info relating to your circumstances. You are wise to be cautious regarding qualified and recognised installers and equipment suppliers. Not had the work done but we have looked at it like you.
https:/ /www.eo nenergy .com/sp ark/eve rything -you-ne ed-to-k now-abo ut-home -batter y-stora ge.html #:~:tex t=Solar %20pane ls%20co nvert%2 0the%20 energy% 20from% 20the%2 0sun,ra ther%20 than%20 being%2 0sent%2 0back%2 0to%20t he%20gr id.
https:/ /www.th eecoexp erts.co .uk/sol ar-pane ls/stor age-bat teries- cost
Reading reviews on the Ckeckatrade website might be a good starting point:
https:/ /www.ch eckatra de.com/ Search/ Solar-P anels/i n/Wilts hire
(Then look for further reviews of any likely firms on Google and TrustPilot).
(Then look for further reviews of any likely firms on Google and TrustPilot).
Also a good starting point for basic, current information
https:/ /www.mo neysavi ngexper t.com/u tilitie s/free- solar-p anels/
Looks like you may have missed this years' Solar Together scheme https:/ /www.wi ltshire .gov.uk /articl e/6264/ Solar-p anel-an d-stora ge-grou p-buyin g-schem e-to-la unch-ac ross-Wi ltshire I did the Essex one last year and install was this Feb, looking at various adverts my install looks to have saved me about 25-30%. Chances are they'll run another next year or you may be able to piggy back on.
I can't help but wonder why most new houses aren't built with rooves (roofs?) facing the right direction and fitted with solar panels if they are so good. It must be more efficient and cost effective for the developer to install them in bulk during the build than each owner fitting them after completion
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