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Please help!!!

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JuliaSix | 17:19 Thu 29th Dec 2005 | Technology
1 Answers
I now have my new lap top and when I post answers or messages on this, all seems fine. Just now I'm on my old fathfull computer - using the same wireless connection, and all that sems to come out - apart from a small sensible bit - is gobbledigook!! What's happening?


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What you see is the actual HTML coding which makes up the text used on web sites and around the internet generally, usually you only see the text and not the coding.

Whats happening is that the program you are using is sending the HTML code which makes up the text as open text and not hidden as it normally would be.

Are you using the same program for browsing on both PC's if not then install the one you use on the laptop on the old PC and it should be OK.

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