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Memory Card For Mobile Phone.

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Khandro | 16:12 Thu 17th Aug 2023 | Technology
30 Answers
How much should they cost please? I see prices range from 6 to 30 Euros & more.
The phone is a 'Primo 413 by Doro' I bought one via Amazon of the lower price & it didn't work so it's been returned.


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Probably depends on the memory size.
oops sorry misread the question
but best to buy over the counter
maybe even a used one from somewhere like cex
Price depends on storage capacity...but stick to a decent make (like SanDisk or Kingston). And don't choose a large capacity if your phone can't handle it.
I’ve just bought a couple of 128Gb ones from Amazon (SanDisc Extreme Pro) for about £13 each.
Your phones manual will tell you how much external storage it can use, don't exceed that limit.
The more GB, the more it will cost.
As said, buy a good make and I would buy the largest the phone will take.
Beware of fake memory cards
I usually buy memory cards from supermarkets. Then there's a reasonably good chance that the product that I'm buying is actually genuine, rather than one of the countless fakes that abound on eBay and Amazon.

In Germany, I'd probably try Kaufland:
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So, not all micro memory cards are the same ? I know the storage capacity varies, but different phones need different specific cards - is that correct ?
Not quite, Khandro, your phone probably has a limit to what size memory it can cope with.
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Sadly, the instruction manual is of no use regarding this:
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ZM; Thank you, just searching & whenever I find a suitable card for that specific phone it's, 'currently unavailable' :0(
Micro SD or SDHC, like this one
Well done barry
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barry; I went ahead and ordered it, fast delivery. So should have it tomorrow, I'll let you know if it works. Thanks again :0)
I linked to Argos. That memory you card you ordered is 128GB. Your phone can only take a 32GB card. It may not work.
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I'll try to cancel
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Cancelled ! phew.

If Argos order has to come from UK it will take ages. I'll see.

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