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Google Recovery Email

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Henry1865 | 13:25 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

Not sure why this is being raised but Google want to use my old redundant email. I try to change it to my current one but G won't allow it. I have no other. Can someone please explain how to sort this conundrum.



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Your questions not clear.

What are you tring to do?

Are you trying to log in to your current email?  

Where are you trying to change your email?


At times, a Gmail user may be locked out of his account. When the system detects suspicious login attempts or unusual activity, it asks the user for a secondary means of verifying their identity. A confirmation code is typically sent to the user's phone or secondary email address.
Although it's inconvenient to maintain an infrequently used email address, it's often done for security purposes.

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TKS Tuvok. I was asked how I wantd to open something, and exceptionally chose Google. Normally I use FB. The link has now been lost and I can still get into whatever I ened, so fttb there is now no need to go further.

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Google Recovery Email

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