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Can't Recall Old Email Addy

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ferlew | 14:58 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Technology
16 Answers

Got a new imac today, and trying to set up everything as best as I can. However, when trying to access AB I cannot for the life of me remember my password, or even the email address I uses around 11/12 years ago.
How do I go about getting back please?




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Does this help - courtesy of AIPasswords on a Mac are stored in System Settings and can be found in a few ways:  System SettingsSelect the Apple menu, then System Settings, then Passwords. Sign in with Touch ID or a user account password, then select a website and click Show Details.  SafariOpen Safari, select Settings or Preferences, then Passwords. Sign...
15:19 Thu 12th Sep 2024

click on "view your profile" then "Edit profile".

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Thanks TTT, I can now see what email I used, BUT it was an ancient one, and I no longer have access to it and therefore to the password used.
Any other suggestions would be welcomed, thanks.

just change it to the email you use now. Then you'll have to set up a new gravatar for that email.

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I'll give that a go, thank you.

I assume your password is stored somewhere on your old machine. You must be able to access your stored passwords, is it a Mac?

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Yes Barry, it's a Mac.
Got them both live at the moment and sending myself daft trying to set up new one.

Does this help - courtesy of AI

Passwords on a Mac are stored in System Settings and can be found in a few ways: 


System Settings

Select the Apple menu, then System Settings, then Passwords. Sign in with Touch ID or a user account password, then select a website and click Show Details. 



Open Safari, select Settings or Preferences, then Passwords. Sign in with Touch ID or a user account password, then select a website and click Show Details. 


Ask Siri

Get Siri's attention and say something like "Show my passwords". 


Keychain Access

Open Launchpad, then Other, then Keychain Access. This will show saved Wi-Fi passwords. 


Question Author

I'll have a go thanks Barry. If no joy I will just have to rejoin and ask for this account to be binned I think.
Thank you.

It won't be binned, ferlew.  Your pearls of wisdom will be kept for posterity  ☺  You could be FerlewToo

I thought Macs were easy to transfer to a new machine.  You're probably aware of this, but just in case

you can just change the email in AB/Gravatar as I said above. The old address could well have been zapped anyway if it's not been used for a long time.

Ask Ed, he sorted me out when my iMac crashed irretrievably, including stored passwords of course.

The problem with setting up a new one is that you lose all old records of your posts.

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Thanks both. :)

Barry, I went to that password thing you mentioned, went through the list and jotted down any I had forgotten about.
Re the transfer  - not only am I an old biddy, but a bit of  technophobe to boot. My lad says I have "new fangled technology syndrome"
I'll try AB again on the new machine, see you on the other side - hopefully.

Bit of a long shot with it being 12 years ago. But are there anyone you can think of that you emailed at that time, they might still have your email address. 

You can't change your email  through your profile because you need to enter your password to make changes.

You can't change your password through the 'forgot password' link because it goes to your old email address.

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