Third Party Cookies in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Third Party Cookies

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Khandro | 06:55 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

I have them as 'Blocked' there is also an option to have them blocked 'in incognito mode' should I use this too  ?

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Yes if you dont want them, no if you dont mind.

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Why would anyone want cookies at all ?

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If you block them normally I'd have thought you'd likely be as, or more, keen to do so when hiding in incognito.

It must be for when he goes shopping on the Dark Web, 1ozzy.

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//So what do you use //incognito mode// for Khandro,//

I don't and I'm asking what it means.

I use an adblocker which is quite effective, but I still get annoying large pop-ups from my email provider itself            (t-online.de) which take up a lot of space on the opening email page.

I'm trying to figure out how to prevent this, it didn't used to be like that, it's a new occurrence.


Incognito mode doesn't leave a history on your PC or on Google etc. 

I thought it already blocked cookies as part of being incognito in the first place though...

//Why would anyone want cookies at all ?//

If you delete them all, you'll find that some sites will have a bout of amnesia.

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