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Help Please Re Emails

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Thisoldbird | 22:15 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

I'm in a muddle.  I have hotmail Gmail and BT emails..

non are wworking.ive been days trying to recover the hotmail email but now I can't sign into any of them without a password..I've tried over and over yet non are accepted  ..


I've done the forgot my soon as I go to resign in its still telling me password not recognised.  


Any idea what's going on please?  



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Not got the caps lock key on ?


Have you saved your passwords somewhere so you can check them ?

Question Author

No caps lock on..I've reset them all but still when I go to log in the same message comes up not recognized  

I tried various ways like my phone number but that message is not recognised..even getting as far as my name on Google..not's crazy. 

This started a few days ago. 

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Sorry only forgot to say 'thankyou' old geezer. 

No problem.


Hope someone suggests something soon.

Can you log in from a different device ?

that happened to me Oldbird - as you say went into "forgot password" tried various things - in the end I had to get a guy from a computer shop - he sorted things out.

good luck with any help on here - they're good.

Question Author

Old geezer it's the same on both my tablet and phone..

Jennyjoan thank-you I may have to resort to getting someone to check it out. I'm housebound so may prove difficult.. your so right I've had excellent help on here a few times. 


I don't have an answer but I do empathise. I had to use the "forgot password" route a lot recently when I lost my hard disc complete with all password records, and at times found it bewildering. One case was here on Answerbank and I had to get the help of Ed who sorted it out for me (I was getting exactly the same result as you describe, but when Ed set a password for me all went well).

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