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Problem With Samsung Galaxy Android

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10ClarionSt | 15:13 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Technology
11 Answers

The internal storage figure says 78% used. I don't know what is taking up so much storage space as I don't have any videos, only 2.02MB of audio and only 479KB of images. When I look at the figures, the screen shows the following:

Images = 479 KB

Videos = 0 B

Audio files = 2.02 MB

Documents = 1.63 KB

Installation files = 0 B

Compressed files = 0 B

Apps = !  (That's what it's showing, an exclamation mark. Why?)

System = 9.48 GB

Other = 15.48 GB

Recycle bin = 9.28 MB

I can't access the part that says "Other". Does anyone know what this is and why it is using so much storage?  And how can I access it to see what it is? any8 help would be appreciated. TIA.




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That's the operating system me old china.

Question Author

Well, I did think that but if it is, then there isn't much room for anything else is there? And I thought the operating system would be in system files, not in "other"?

Apps will be taking up a fair bit too, the ! means an update failed possibly why you are 78% full it's will have the old  and part of the new. Click on apps on the memory screen (settings - device care - storage) and see which app has the ! then you should be able to re update that.


what overall size do you have 64gb? I have a Galaxy S8 so very similar. But I also have a memory card so there is plenty of space.

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Thanks TTT. It's there on the screen but I can't access it. I can access those items in the list as far as Installation files. After that I can't get in. all a bit baffling to a non techie such as I.

See if there are any unused apps you can uninstall. 

Check any downloads within the apps. 

I had a podcast app once I hadn't realised was auto downloading episodes every week. Once I deleted all those all was fine.

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Thanks TTT. I only have 32GB of memory. Those two items are using most of it. I haven't got a memory card. Would that be the answer, or at least help?

ah 32GB will be a struggle The problem is they keep updating the OS and it never gets any smaller. Mine is 64gb and that's plenty really but very tiny compared to the new stuff.

Yes a memory card would help because you can put all your personal stuff on that and free up phone memory.

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Thanks chelle. There doesn't seem to be anything too excessive in the apps, but I know they can add up to a tidy figure as a group. Might need extra , as suggested by Tora. thanks again.

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Thanks for that, TTT. Off to the phone shop for an upgrade! 

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