what is virtual memory and what does it mean when the computer says my virtual memory is too low ? Can anyone help please , I'm an 'oldie' so don't know much about computers . Thanks .
It just means that you could do with more RAM on your system. Windows is swapping files to and from the hard disc to free up ram for whatever programs you are running. If your PC is not too old you should be able to get it ok and it is fairly cheap. It will greatly improve your PC's performance.
VM is space on your hard disk that your computer uses as memory once the ram is full. It is much slower than ram and when it is being used you can hear the hard disk spinning. When the hard disk is nearly full the computer can not use as much as it would like. So either you need to clean up the hard disk by getting rid of unwanted data/programs or buying a bigger hard disk or by adding some more ram.