I bought a CD from CDWOW.com not knowing that is 'content protected'. it opens in its own player and i can only copy into My Music folder. I know it says you cant play the songs in ITunes but is there any way round this (cos i want to put the songs onto my IPod)?? downloading some converting software or something?? Ive bought the CD so surely i should be able to listen to it on my IPod!!
Cheers in advance
Actually under some laws it's illegal to rip music to your iPod. This is one of the reasons why many are so against the idiotic copyright laws that are currently in existance in much of the western world.
What CD is it? Different CDs have different copy protection routines.
yeh i drag into Itunes it says because it is in WMA format it will have to convert it.. then says it cant convert it because they are protected. theres another message then saying 'if you have the CD then just import in the normal way' but thats rubbish. i need a way to convert to mp3 outside of itunes.
I got fed up with being ripped off by the music companies who insist on charging you for stuff and then restricting what you can do with it. I'm posting a link to some software which we re-record it in an unprotected form as you play it in mediaplayer. They claim that this is perfectly legal, but frankly, I couldn't care less whether it is or not.