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violetblue | 15:47 Sun 06th Aug 2006 | Technology
7 Answers
What does 'subscribe to this thread' mean? Please don't say 'subscribe to this thread'.
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It means AB will email you if anyone posts an answer to the question that you have subscribed to.
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Er, what for? Can't I just read the answer when it's posted? Thanks for replying anyway, dodgy.
Violet, its meant to be helpful to get an AB e mail
It will tell you when an answer has been posted, not what that answer is.
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Don't get it! I know when an answer has been posted when I check the site. Never mind.
I have ticked the box many times but I never get an email sent unless I have posed the original question. When I go to 'My Profile' I can look at 'questions I have subscribed to' and this is how I assumed it works. I will try it again now.
It is so you don't have to go looking for the question

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