Thanks for your post.
Unfortunately, I'm getting out of my depth now. The websites I've uploaded have usually been very simple things (such as providing information about village fetes). They're usually only online for a few weeks, so a basic, amateurish feel is usually acceptable.
I suggest that you Google 'xxxxxxxx tutorial', where xxxxxxxx is the name of the software you're using to create your site. (e.g. 'frontpage tutorial'). If you're using FronPage, this very simple guide might help. (It's intended for use in schools but it's still worth a look). In particular, check out Section 9:
I'm sorry that I can't provide detailed information to meet your needs but I'm pleased to see that your site is on line. (Incidentally, to change your home page, just FTP the new one to your web space and it will be over-written. Obviously, any decent FTP program will ask you first before this happens. Just remember that, whatever changes you make, your homepage must be named 'index').