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GPS tracking

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pjm007 | 16:47 Mon 28th Aug 2006 | Technology
10 Answers
I have two young kids who play out and about the front of the house, occasionally they wander off to go to their friends house and I sometimes don't know where they are.
What I would like is some kind of small wireless GPS transmitter so i can keep a track of where they are using a local map on my PC.
Is there such a product available on the market and how much would it cost ?

Thanks in advance.


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Sounds a little excessive to me; I thought those ankle trackers were for those convicted of a crime. Isn't it easier just to have them tell you where they're going if they're off playing somewhere?
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Excessive...yeah maybe but believe me I've told them so many times to let me know when they go somewhere and do they ? not always. Just a bit of a plan 'B' really, not sure if it would be feasible or even ethically right for that matter but I don't want to stop them from playing outside with thier friends, especially during the summer holidays, I just need to know where they are at all times.
are they too young for a phone?

you could attach one with a cord to their pockets

you can but very simple basic model, that they would be able to use
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They are 7 & 5, I haven't ruled out giving them a cheap mobile, although I feel they are a little too young and probably not responsible enough.
I saw something like this on a TV programme, it was only avaliable in America though. But I'm sure if you search around you'll find out more. The device was like a mobile phone, but it had a tracker in it with the parent at the other end having another device showing where the child (or in this programmes case teenager!!) is at all times. No doubt they'll be avaliable over here soon!
Hope this helps
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I was the same when I was a kid though, used to wander off without always telling my parents of my wherabouts, but being a parent myself now I have every reason to worry about where my kids are, especially with all the nonces and weirdo's roaming the country.
I want to give them the freedom to play out with their mates and have asked them so many times to tell me where they are going, though on some occasions they don't. They probably just get carried away with their friends and forget. As I've said this idea is purely a back up plan and reassuring for my wife and I as well as the kids.
What about walkie - talkies - they have a 3KM range and are far less likely to get nicked by older kids than mobiles.
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Childrens safety and parents apprehension haven't changed regardless of whether there is an increase or not. I agree that media coverage has become greater but I honestly think that is to do with frequency of occurrence.

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