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Blocking e mails

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larkin | 13:55 Wed 13th Sep 2006 | Technology
11 Answers
Is there any way in Outlook Express that I can block an e mail and send it back to its originator without me receiving it ?
Thanks for advice


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You can use a prog called "Mailwasher" to bounce the email back.
Question Author
Thanks stevie21 . Where/ how do I get it ?
Not in Outlook Express AFAIK. You can block a sender but all it does is put it straight into deleted messages.
Outlook express is a mail client. It talks to a mail server (typically run by your ISP). It's this mail server which has your mailbox and outlook express downloads the mail from that mail server.

By the time you see the mail in OE the mail server has already accepted the mail on your behalf. You cannot truly bounce the mail at that point it's already been accepted by your ISP as being for you.

To truely reject the mail it has to be done at the server
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So does that mean there is nothing I can do ?
It never occurred to you to type the word "Mailwasher" into google?
"Are you tired of getting forwarded e-mails with large attachments that take ages to download? Are you scared of getting an email virus? Why not delete the email directly off the server so you don't have to download it."
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Yep stevie , I did find mailwasher on google, thanks .
Just got a bit confused (doesn't take much) by dugz answer.
Yes but it still deletes the file at the server. Your mail box has received the mail

The server has accepted the mail and the spammer therefore knows that its a valid address and will continue to spam your address.

It will not return an invalid address error code back to the spammer
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Oh God. Now I really am confused !
Built into the version of Mailwasher I use is something called "spamcop" which helps to get your email address removed from spammers' lists.

My email address is plastered all over the internet and I still hardly receive any spam.

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Blocking e mails

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