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Laptop LifeCycle

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izabella | 22:26 Thu 14th Aug 2003 | Technology
2 Answers
What is the lifecylce of a laptop or notebook computer? Ie. What is their life expectancy?


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The same as for any other computer (in so much as by the time you buy a new motherboard you might as well buy a new PC). If you buy something around 2Ghz, I suspect you'll still be using it happily in 5 years, though you might have dropped it by then.
The lifecycle of most species of laptop is the same . They are usually hatched in early spring, from eggs laid near the surface. They emerge when the weather is warm and flap their lids until they take off. They are then fertilised by a passing version of windows (or if they are lucky linux) . They feed all summer on virus's, worms and trojan horses and eventually lay eggs just below the surface, crash, and the cycle starts allover again.

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