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spam emails

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rugeleyboy | 11:39 Fri 05th Jan 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
at the moment i seem to be getting loads of spam emails, advertising stocks and shares? i think they have taken an old email off someone else, written over it and sent it to me? the trouble is, my computer doesnt read them as spam and i cant block the user as they all have a different name??

any ideas????????


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Change your email address is 1 possibility.
if you would like a googlemail address I have spare 'invites' google seems to extract spam effectively and you can view it in case there is qnything you wish to receive. Also I use 0spam which allows you to stop mail including particular words and add to blocklist
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the trouble is, it is an email from my website quotation page?

i must of had 56 today and whilst i was shut over christmas i had about 300 odd??
install firefox
u should not get any
henrys, your favourite post. Firefox is nothing to do with email!!

rugeleyboy: try using Thunderbird:

It contains a good spam filter, that is bayesian, meaning that it learns as it goes along. At first it might not be too great, but it should soon improve.

A major problem with your address though, if I read correctly, is that it's public-facing (it can be read from a website). This isn't a great idea, as spam bots can easily grab it. I don't know if you're able to do this, but getting an email form on your website, so that your address is not revealed, is a good idea.

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