hi guys just bought a liteon dvd recorder with hard drive,and had a problem transfering from hard drive to dvd the mesage on screen says.The function you specified is not supplied due to some limitations split the title and try again.thanx
It would appear that you have recorded a programme which is too large to fit onto a DVD disc, at the recording quality you have specified.
If your recorder is anything like mine, you will have the options of recording. in 4 qualities, HQ,SP,LP and EP which give something like 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours and 4 hours recoding time, respectively.
If the recording on your hard drive is longer than 2 hours then it will not fit onto a DVD which are only 2 hours. You will therefore have to split it and copy to two DVDs. Select Hard Drive, Press Browser button on your remote control This will display all items on your hard drive, highlight the item, and press Edit on remote. Press PLAY to start playback, advance on until you are about 1/2 through the recording, move the highlighted curser to SPLIT and press ENTER for confirmation. This operation can be reversed if necessary.