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�20 Nokia phones?

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aceizace | 21:23 Thu 06th Nov 2003 | Technology
4 Answers
ebay pages such as this one
promise to give you a company that can sell you mobile phones for �20. So how does(n't) this work? Normaly things that are too good to be true aren't so what would i be given if i did bid on one of these?


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hmm i dont like that 2 bit operation 1 bit at all, i dont think its legit, imagine how many people will pay him �1..ok so maybe lets say he's being honest, maybe the phones are faulty? and to get phones like that for a cheap price they either might have fallen out the back or a van or are on contract...
It's probably an e-book pyramid scheme. You sell a certain (usually very high) number of e-books & you're entered on a list. Over time, you climb up the list & once you qualify, you can buy the phone. Nice concept... RIP OFF!
ive done this S**T con and you pay �20 and yes you CAN recive a mobile but you hvae to wait years after years after years im on a list in one of these schemes and ive moved up in the list over the last 2 years but im know where enar the top still, and the mobile is WAY out of date now. DO NOT ENTER THIS SCHEME YOU ARE UNLIKEYLY TO RECIVE A MOBILE!!!
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i asked one of the people who'd bought this information, and it was a site called the mobile matrix. basically you payed them �20 for a cd with stuff you probably wouldn't want on, and they entered you into a list. each phone had a big list and a sub list... the better the phone the longer the sub list. when someone joined they were added to the big list and the sub list, when the sub list got full the next person in the big list got their phone. plus the site didn't update regularly, so you never really knew how many people would be ahead of you. i worked out that for the phone i wanted, about 10,000 people would have to join after me, and that the 10,000th one of them would need about 2 million more - or something like that. So i decided not to pay them �20... suprisingly.

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�20 Nokia phones?

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