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filberty | 20:53 Wed 07th Mar 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
Is square metres the same as metres squared.?


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Yes they are the same but there can be some ambiguity using the term 'metres squared' because 5 metres squared could be interpreted as a 5 metre square - i.e. a square 5m by 5m having an area of 5 square metres.

Best to speak of 5 square metres though you would normally write it as 5m�

Typo correction:

i.e. a square 5m by 5m having an area of 25 square metres.

No, the terms mean different things.

4 square metres is, for example, an area of 2m x 2m, or 4m x 1m. 4 metres squared is 16 square metres.

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