Can anyone tell me where i can get a motherboard manual from,i am building a new pc and need to know how to wire the motherboard pins.Many thanks eberdeen nut.
Many thanks pcworks i shall follow your link and see where it leads to, the manufacturers web site has had me going round in circles and no positive response.perhaps its me and age that's the prob eh.once thanks
Hi pcworks i did follow your link it took me to HPCompaq, the answer is, they do not supply that info on this motherboard and you have to go through the pins in pairs until you find what lights up to each pair.
Many thanks for your help with this.
Going through the pins in pairs as suggested might and probably will work (eventually). It could also cause a big fry-up (as in cooking your motherboard). Advice of this nature is typical of Compaq/HP, like they are a most unhelpful pack of sods most of the time. Two things come to mind; The motherboard might have written on it somewhere the actual motherboard identifying code. This may assist prospective helpers to locate the appropriate manual. The other thing worth mentioning is that most modern motherboards have the pin connections actually written beside the pins (you will need a magnifying glass). Failing this I would suggest you throw out that particular motherboard (I have no faith in compaq/HP products anyway) and acquire a motherboard complete with the relevant manual.
cheers oldbob i did throw the frying question to compaq,they never responded wonder why eh, they think we amitures are stupid .but they would,Cause im a nut.haha
aberdeen nut.