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recording from freeview to video recorder?

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gina1960uk | 17:36 Wed 04th Apr 2007 | Technology
7 Answers
Is it possible to video record freeview channels ? if so how?


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yes it is, you have to set the vcr to the av channel (usually av1 ). The one draw back is that unless your set top box has 2 tunners you have to watch what you are recording. You can however watch a terrestrial channel untill they turn them off.
sorry should have added that with the vcr set on the av channel it will record what ever station you are watching on the tv with your freeview box.
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thank you will give it a try :)
If you put your aerial lead into the "RF in" on your freeview box and then another lead from the "RF out" of the freeview box to the aerial connector of your tv, you should then be able to tune your vcr into the freeview channels in the same way as analogue channels.
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Well I had a go at trying to record from freeview and it taped but with no sound!!!.....what could that be.....there is no buzzing sound just a really clear picture with no sound.
I would say that with all the fiddling around your SCART connector has come out a bit. Reseat it and let us know.
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You was right tellboy one of my scart leads had come out slightly.........all is working well now......i've got sound

many thanks:)

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recording from freeview to video recorder?

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