An alternative to GMail is to set up an account with Gawab. They offer a free e-mail service which can be accessed either through the web or via an e-mail client (such as Outlook).
I've opened dozens of free accounts with them. (If I ever give an e-mail address on AB, it's probably one I created just for a few people to contact me on. The next time I post an address, it will be different).
To create an account, go here:
Start by clicking 'More countries & cities' and choose a domain name which you like. (My accounts are usually '' or '' but there are plenty to choose from). Then just follow the rest of the instructions. When you've worked your way through them, you'll have a new, free account which you can access via the web. Then go here to learn how to set up Outlook, so that you can use it to send & receive your mail, instead of (or as well as) the web-based access: tures_pop