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sky problems

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fruitsalad | 19:32 Fri 27th Apr 2007 | Technology
4 Answers
why is it only some of the channels on sky freeze etc., and not others? you would think if it was a signal problem all the channels would be the same.


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not sure that any channels in particular cause sky to misbehave every now and then.

i was watching something this week and mine just shut down and did a full reboot!
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Mattk just dont understand why i can watch some channels and have a perfect picture the whole time and others you cant sit and watch you would think as they are all from the same dish they would all be either a good picture or all be a bad picture
I had no end of trouble with sky pictures breaking up and freezing when swapping channels, which required you to switch off the power to unfreeze it. but since investing in a new sky plus box I have had no trouble at all, it makes you wonder is it a ploy to get everyone to invest in skyplus
I can see where Dee-M-See is coming from. Might be right! However, most satellite tv technology works on a system that pre-empts the next frame. This is supposed to allow the system to run without downloading every frame so saving bandwidth and allowing a more free flowing experience. If two frames are so similar as to not be noticeably different, the next frame not may be downloaded to your box or ignored by your box to �flow� more easily. The problem is that if the system misinterprets the frames, we get the frame freeze or a jump between frames we actually view. I hope I have explained clearly.

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