did it come as an email attachment? I am currently getting 3 or 4 a day with attachments called things like "look at this", "I was wrong" or "can you help" - all different and designed to arouse your curiosity. They all have .exe or zip sufixes. I don't know what they are but have been deleting them and blocking the sender. One came from somebody I do know, and they have checked their pc and found no problems - they had no record of sending it.
ty kags . A bit of advice, dont block the senders just delete theme. These people expecy you to block them and so have programmes to get round it> !!!!!
Sounds like the W32.Netsky virus - quite a common worm in the wild these days and always received in emails carrying attachments, some of which may appear to be from someone you know (but the false 'sender' rarely has the worm themselves - their address has been 'harvested' from someone else's hard drive). The worm is relatively easy to spot because it always looks the same - check out here http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/analyses/w32netsky
for examples of what to look for. This has been dealt with on AB previously - check out this post: question 41558
and best of luck!