MSN Messenger in The AnswerBank: Internet
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MSN Messenger

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thedelbwa | 22:46 Fri 24th Aug 2007 | Internet
2 Answers
Have the latest MSN on my PC, but for some reason, the one person I want to chat to is showing as being offline, whereas a couple of my other mates have sent 'requests' for me to let them communicate with me...my question is:

a) how can I send one of these 'requests'

b) how do I make her active (on MSN, that is?!)


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If you click on the person when they're off line you can send them a message that they will see the next time they sign into MSN.

Hope this helps??
I'm not sure about sending the requests - maybe this is it?

Laura x
Also.. I meant to say - you can set your status to 'appear' offline, when you are really online - I guess if you don't want to be bothered by people.

Laura x

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MSN Messenger

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