I have recently started using Firefox in addition to Internet Explorer that I've used for years. I have a website on line that behaves normally when viewed with IE but, viewed with Firefox, some (but not all) of the links are dead. I've added an explanatory note to the website recommending that it is viewed with IE, but can't think that it should be like this.
Try the IE Tab extension for FF. Also, do you have the "NoScript" extension installed? If so, try temporarily allowing the site. (Assuming it isn't a "dodgy" site).
build a mirror of the site and update your scripts so its compatable with firefox. Then buld an entrance site with links to your IE site and your FF site.
Thank you all for your helpful pointers. I've only just become aware of the problem - and new to Firefox - so it seems I have much experimenting to do to get it right for both browsers. No objection to you visiting my website if you wish - it's Neighbourhood Watch related, so perhaps not to everyone's liking, but it's hardly 'dodgy' ! http://lewesnwa.org.uk It includes a 'light relief page' which should have sound but that doesn't come through with Firefox.
Sorry! I mis-read the question and thought it was a site that you visited that had non-functioning links in FF. (My teachers always said I should read the question carefully!) The "care with allowing scripts" advice was because some less-than-salubrious sites use scripts to harm/infiltrate visitor's machines.
Anyway, the links I clicked seemed to work fine in FF but not the sound. there are some discussions below that may help:
This is an interesting exercise, especially to know that others who have viewed the site with Firefox have found that the links are OK. I've looked at Opera as well as using IE and Firefox. It seems that the answer may rest with the browser being used to view a website and whether it has the necessary 'add-ons' or 'plug-ins'. Perhaps that's why some sites / pages recommend viewing with a particular browser. Thanks again everyone.