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TV reception Europe

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Chrissy Boy | 19:54 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi, Is there any way you can get something to make a UK tv to work in France. I'm off on holiday and the place I'm staying in has no tv and the rugby is on. Thanks


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unless the tv is multistandard and has a SECAM L L' option, (the french broadcast system) you're stuffed. sorry!

maybe you could go to a second hand shop or fleamarket and by a used french tv?
I've just read the question ....
rom ... read again .... lol
chrissy .... you sad rugby fan you. ;-)

even if you get a TV unning .... you'll need one heck of an ariel to get brit transmissions (unless you are in calais

I think quite a few of the portable sets have dual standard .... perhaps a visit to duty free on the way?

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