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Cheap printer!

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Scarlett | 15:52 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | Technology
8 Answers
My sister has had a PC all these years but not a printer! She currently gets me to print out stuff and post it- so I want to get her a printer for her birthday. I am looking for something basic with cheap cartridges, as she has no money. Would black and white be better?

Much appreciated!


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Why not give your printer to your sister and get yourself a cheapy printer?
As you probably have realised. All Inkjet Printers are cheap. They make the big money on Cartridge Refills
I switched to Black and White Laser a long time ago.
There are some fairly cheap HP ones in Argos, you can even get a 4 in 1 for about �40 these days. I don't think the HP cartridges are that expensive either, mine last pretty long for the money too.
>I don't think the HP cartridges are that expensive either,

They are.
Don't buy a lexmark printer,they are very cheap to buy but the ink cartridges are horrendously expensive. Canon or Epson are probably the cheapest for replacement ink cartridges as compatible ones are readily available.
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Cockney- simply because my printer uses really expensive cartridges which I know she would not be able to afford. Plus I would like to get her a new printer with a guarantee, not my old one. Does that answer your question?
Epson products are usually reliable and many (but not all) Epson printers use fairly cheap cartridges. The Stylus D92 is widely available in the shops, or you can buy online for about �33:

That link shows the prices, from eBuyer, of original cartridges but compatible versions are available for even less: 9_4935

I have had my Lexmark 2350 printer for 18 months now with quite satisfactory use - an all-in-one. I paid around �30 for it and I can get original colour cartridges, 2 for �20.90 from Choice Stationery. Also I have installed Inksave which can save up to 75% ink when printing.

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Cheap printer!

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