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International phone calls.

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HKS-920 | 23:10 Wed 17th Oct 2007 | Technology
6 Answers
Hi, my girlfriend is trying to call me from Canada, having just got herself a long distance phone package.. I was always under the impression that the dialing code for the UK was 044 then the (#####) then the number.

However, she cannot get through to me, not received any calls... Is there something we're doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys.



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Crikey that was a fast response, thanks!
the number to dial would be 044 then your number but delete the first zero in your number, hope this helps
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Thanks for your replies guys... And Legend, you're very correct! We do actually use skype almost all hte time, but sometimes, (my end i think, crappy VIsta laptop) the calls hang up, or they scramble. So there are some times I want to just say balls to it and ring her up, or have her ring me up.
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International phone calls.

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