I'm about to change my computer to a windows vista system and need to know, 1: will my B.T. Voyager 220V router work or do I have to change it, and 2: I believe most of my software won't work, including my printer, an older Epsom Photo R300. Can anyone help with info., or is there a site that will help ? I am planning to change tomorrow and have only just been told there may be a problem with software. PLEASE HELP !! Thanks, from a technophobe.
I have a Vista desktop connected with ethernet cable which works ok,.I also have a wireless network and this will not work with Voyager 1065 and Voyager 1055 to Vista machines.The printer people are at last getting their act together with plenty of upgrades available.Good luck.
Also note that even if software is certified by Microsoft to work on Vista it does not mean that it is 100 percent compatible. It just means it mostly works on Vista.