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Norton Anti Virus renewal

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flochambers@ | 23:24 Wed 14th Jul 2004 | Technology
5 Answers
How do I renew my subscription?


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If Norton (Symantec) have sent you an e mail saying that your subscription is due, just click on the link. If not, goto and click on 'subscription services renewal' (in the middle of the bottom half of the page) and they will tell you what to do. You can pay online by credit card. I think normal subscription is about �16.
You can just re-install the product and it should give you another year.
I bet it came pre-loaded so you can't reinstall
I've only had my new pc a week, but it kept showing that the Norton anti-virus cover had ceased. I phoned HP & was guided thro the procedure of putting my pc back to the status it was as new, thus giving me the 60 trial cover I should have had in the first place! They also recommended that when it is due, not to download cover from the internet, but to buy a cd from a pc store, apparantly 'cos it's safer! Hope that helps!
uninstall then install. job done.

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Norton Anti Virus renewal

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