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Laptop wi-fi

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pompei595 | 21:20 Thu 27th Dec 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
I have been provided with a wi-fi laptop by my work, although it is not yet set up.

How do I go about subscribing to a system which will allow me to access the internet when I'm out of the office?


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Where do you intend connecting to the internet? In the home or out and about?
Question Author
I need to be connected whilst out and about
sell the laptop --- use the money to buy a smartphone!
You need something like this - access the internet on your laptop anywhere where there is a mobile phone signal rnet/on-your-laptop/usb-modem-and-datacard/
An alternative one from 3. I believe the hardware costs are less for existing customers. /three-usb-modem.php

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Laptop wi-fi

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