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wireless advice please.

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rugeleyboy | 17:07 Mon 18th Feb 2008 | Technology
2 Answers
my step son has recently had a laptop and after a few conversations with people he has been told to scan for a network to jump onto.

anyhow, i took off the security, to enable him to connect using my bt business hub.

is this a wise thing to do in the long run. should i keep the security password off, can i add his laptop to a network or something along them lines?



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taking the password of wasnt a good idea as now anyone can use it. you could have set up a connection for him and with him using the password he can use the network without anyone else getting onto it. our daughter takes her laptop up when she visits and connects to our home hub but uses her own hub while she is at home.
ps......put the password back on, let your sons laptop 'find' the hub and give him the wep key to acccess it.

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wireless advice please.

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