One of my jobs is training ... I'm currently writing a course which includes programming routers using hyper-terminal. also some command line stuff.
the target is beginner level ... so I can't take it for granted that they'll have any experience in commandline useage ... so it's important that a line that reads router# copy running-config startup-config clearly shows where the spaces are the problem is that the likes of [ ]<>~|\ / all have existing meanings .... so I need to invent a "space" character (my intention is to create a font based on courrier new which includes this new symbol)
my problem is .... my artistic talents are pretty grimmmmm...... all my efforts are too intrusive and tend to interrupt the reading flow.
I've started re-formatting part of a doc that I know has caused problems, using a couple of symbols (including mine which is like a square bracket on it's side [.
I have a couple of courses next week ... so I'll put it to the test