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Sky Broadband

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Netty7 | 17:12 Sun 06th Jul 2008 | Technology
3 Answers
Thinking of going for the See, Speak, Surf offer from sky cos it's about half what we're paying now. What's sky broadband like cos we have orange at the mo and it's fine but don't want to change if skys rubbish.


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Well it comes down the same line as your Orange broadband, so if the speed is the same or faster then it should be okay
Migrated to Sky from Orange (formerly Wannado and Freesrve) as it was cheaper (free as already use the satellite service).
The changeover was quite painless. Once you have decided call up Sky and they will talk you through the process. You will need to tell Orange you intend to switch and get a MAC code from Orange so you can change provider. The Netgear modem arrived after two weeks ans confirmation letter with all I needed to do followed the next day. Took half an hour to set up and a quick call to confirm the line had been switched over.
Best decision I evere made as far as broadband goes, service is reliable and fast.
My neighbour has been on Sky BB package for a while, everything was fine at first then the netgear modem (wireless) started to go wrong contacted sky several times but with no joy, eventually they asked us what they could do and we suggested getting a new modem, when they tried to connect it, it too would not work, from what we have been told the modems sky provide have a specific MAC code in them and only they can connect, tried contacting sky several more time since then (and we are now talking from the middle of April) with still no joy.

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