I keep getting 'pop-ups' telling me that I have to be aware of Spyware and Adware and that I should download a programme to get rid of these on my pc..should I do this or not. I thougth having Adware on my pc would stop hackers - am I wrong? Please let me know.
They are just advertisements trying to lure you into buying their Adware/Spyware removal software. Ignore them. To stop hackers you should use a firewall. If you click here it will take you to Zonelabs where you can download Zonealarm for free. This should help to protect you from hackers, but not from Adware/Spyware, you'll still need your other software for that.
I'd use a firewall (e.g. Zonealarm) as well as Adaware and Spybot.
The message you've received seems quite handy although it shows that it is possible to send crap to you using the same technique. To disable this do the following (although this may differ v.slightly on different versions of Windows):
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
In there double click on "Administrative Tools" and then on "Services".
In here there's a long list of "services". Right click on "Messenger" and choose "properties".
Once in here change "startup type" to "manual" or "disabled" and also click on "stop". This will stop spam being sent to you via these messages, and believe me it will be sent :)
It could also be windows messenger service (NOT MSN!) a device for seonding messages across networks. search for shoot the messenger and there is a free program or turning this off (if your lazy)
or you could go to control panel>admnistrator>services and find messenger in the list. disable it.