When i used I E I could play games on Msn games zone but ie kept crashing so i swapped browsers and now i can't play any games on zone at all. Any ideas anyone or a browser that is compatible with msn. I'm trying netscape at the moment. Thanks.
You could try download IE6SP1 (http://tinyurl.com/3drq) to fix IE, or try that poor MSN Browser. Otherwise use Mozilla or Opera, but if you want compatability with MSN you're best using MSN software.
MSN did intentionally block third party browsers from their sites in 2001, they said "For browsers that we know don�t support those standards or that we can�t insure will get a great experience for the customer, we do serve up a page that suggests that they upgrade to an IE browser that does support the standards."
Maybe they feel they're re-surfacing.
Hi tom. just downloaded msn explorer and although not what im looking for it works. Been reading up on subject and it does look like most are blocked from using msn apart from IE. Thanks for all your help.