I have IE6 and OE6 and want to completely uninstall outlook. In 'add/remove programs' I removed OE6 which was removed but OE5 was in its place. This does not show in 'add/remove programs' and there is no uninstall file in its folder. How can I get rid of it??
Is the program still on your HDD or is it just the reference to it in your add/remove list in CP you want to get rid of? If the latter, Add/Remove4Good will certainly remove it, but I'm surprised it doesn't remove normally...
Add/Remove4Good - http://www.4developers.com/addremove/
The program is still on the HD. Outlook6 isn't anymore but Outlook5 has mysteriously appeared.. I don't want to go into the registry. Is there a freeware product that can uninstall programs? Puzzling..