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flip_flop | 09:41 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | Technology
11 Answers
I have a PayPal account and last week received an email from 'PayPal' asking for my bank account details.

The email appeared incredibly genuine, but I couldn't understand why PayPal would need my banking details and therefore assmued it was a scam - can anybody confirm?



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Did the email address you by name?

When you logged in to PayPal (not via a link in the email) were there any messages for you?

Did you look at the email header to see where it had come from?
yep, sounds like spoof...i consider myself quite sharp but i nearly came unstuck with a similiar scam, they just look so genuine..check PayPals security centre and there will be an address to forward it to..
it doesn't sound like a spoof ...IT IS A SPOOF.

no financial institution would ever ask for any details by e-mail ... unless it was warning you to expect a letter or asking you to visit your branch.

full stop ... no matter who, what, why or where it's from
We Brits are so ridiculously willing to please (my old retriever had tighter limits than some "sharp" people I know).
apparently 22% of Brit people buy from spam recommendations - we just don't deserve to survive ... if we were amoebae we'd have been extinct years ago

The British way would be to queue to be ripped off
I couldn't agree more Mr Troll.

The recent stories about "rick-rolling" where people are sent links and they all link back to a youtube video horrified me.

Why on earth would people click on an unknown link from an unknown source??

People really need to get a bit more common sense.
I had one of these and i contacted paypal directly, using the info on
They confirmed that it is a scam
No point in contacting or forwarding these emails on. No-one can do anything about it and it turns you into a spammer as well.
I got one too and I have never used paypal!!!

Forward all scams to:

[email protected]
Don't forward them on. All it does is give you a feeling that someone is looking at this. They aren't, believe me.
"22% of Brit people buy from spam recommendations" ???

I've always wondered why those idiots keep sending spam when nobody buy through them.
Looks like they are not the idiots.
I used to get these all the time from Ebay and Paypal but they were all from spoof sites so just forward them onto [email protected] or [email protected]

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