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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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PS .Mr S only wears jogging pants Neti .I bought him half a dozen pairs from Marks .Poor bugger lives in them .He can't wear jeans or trousers with that bloody contraption stuck on his whatnot .
hmmm, this seems about my size

Hello Everybiddy. Had a funny day today. Nothing particular. Just in and out. Had hair appointment so went for that then got home and found I'd forgotten half my shopping yesterday so drove back to Sainsburys tonight. Never mind sorted now, And I've sorted my mobile. All that bloody palaver at the Orange shop and on the land line and, all I did was restore factory settings then added an email I wanted to use and now it's working.

Anyway that's enough moaning from me. Woofy, you and Mr woofy are still on my mind with good vibes coming your way I hope the wobbly is not as bad as it was.
Also for Mr S. Steady had to have an oeration on his tubes in his 'thingamebob' and had to have a catheter on for ages he was in his early 20s but he managed. I know he is a lot younger than Mr. S. but I was really concerned for him so I understand it must be double concerning for you ands I hope it wont be long before he gets sorted.

I'm going to watch would I lie to You. Not my favourite programme but it was a scream last week so I'll give it another go.

Have a good and peaceful night.. See yer later 'gaters.. (Derby V the Forest tomorrow away so I wont be going but I will listen.)xx
Night Night, she says as she tries to sum up the energy to let the dog out and get up the stairs to bed. Hot Water Bottle is already snoring.....................................
Cuddles to the Woofies. Thoughts are with you both xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night Night folks .
I must go to bed .Up bright and early to Beccles for the Farmers Market .
My bro goes out at sparrows poops .

Thinking and hoping for you Woofy xxxxx

So very sad,those poor men in the mines and their families .Awful .
Take care all the ones you're with xx
Morning everyone from a grey, rainy and fabulous Eastbourne! This is so refreshing.

Hello woofies, how are things going?

My poor bilaw is suffering and I can't understand it all. His bed is now downstairs cos he had lost all confidence in walking, has to wear nappies all the time (from not being able to go now he goes but can't get to the loo in time) I think he has just given up. My sister is run ragged, every two hours throughout the night she's up with him and so last night she slept on the sofa to be near him. His speech is very slow but he seems all there. We get his children and friends in to sit with him as he is scared of being alone, so sister and I can go out for a while as she needs the break, He doesn't mind and quite honestly I think it does him good not to be able to call on her every minute. His toe is playing up again and they only dress it once a week and it's seeping through the dressings. In Spain this would be done every day. Whol thing is a mess and whether he'll ever be able to have his heart op I very much doubt.

Sorry for moaning but I know you'll sympathise, but if you don't read the whole thing I don't blame you.

Have a good day biddies, I'll be back. x
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Morning all...bloomin chilly, the weather's changed 3 times since I got up.
Yes shaney the mining deaths are so very sad.
Had to smile at you 'slipping through the system' there a giant sieve somewhere that catches people before they go through the shredder? :o)

Sorry about your bro-in-law neti, it's awful to see people going through so much, my brother had all of that too (and more). Heaven knows what must have been going on in his mind.
Love the 'new you'...that's some suntan you've got there...or is it rust?

Love your outfit too jno, that the dress code for your cruise?

Well Jude I fell asleep about 5 mins before the end of Outnumbered & woke up as Would I Lie was ending :o(. What I saw of Outnimbered wasn't as funny as last week though...except for the quip 'Who are you?! Gok Wan?' :o)
I have just got up and will be back later.
So sorry Nets that things have got so bad with your BIL. Hugs

I need some more tea at the moment.

Hope we hear from our Woofie soon.
(PS I agree about Outnumbered, OK but not as funny as last week - and 'Would I lie to you" wasn't that good this week either.

See you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hi all, just staggered back from shopping. Having a cuppa and a wagon wheel. BiL seems to have bladder control back, but fingers crossed.
Evening all. I'm just sitting watching The Tourist with Johnny Depp and I have fo admit it's a bit slow. Even though He's so Handsome...which takes my mind off the boring bits.. Ha Ha!!

Woofy, another day of thinking about you and your DH. I'm wishing and hoping all the very best for you.
Also for you and your BiL Neti..I hope you his problems easde of soon for him and you are able to enjoy you r holiday over here.

Sorry Jno I missed saying have a good time.. !

Last night I thought WILTY was quite funny but not as much as last week. They're have to go along way to beat that episode.

Anyway back to Johnny The Tourist. Have a peaceful night all Biddyfriends everwhere. Hope Sunday is a good day for you. See yer later 'gater(s)
Sorry about the typeos but my lap top is on my lap literally :¬)
Just passng by to wish you all Goodnight
Went to Market and got lots of veg and other goodies .It was a lovely morning but it poured down this afternoon .
Feeling a bit grot actually .I think I 've got a chill in me bones from getting soaked yesterday .I ache and keep sneezing .I'd better take 600mg pronto !

I hope your BiL soon feels better Neti .Must be miserable for him .Well I know it's miserable for him .Mr S has had nearly a year of it .Hope you're enjoying the cooler weather :)

Thinking of you Woofy and hope everything is alright .
Goodnight all .Sleep well .
Off to bed. Night Night

As always thinking of you and DH Woofie. xxxxx
Morning, seems sunny today but still keeping the mac avatar.

BiL doesn't want to get better, he is enjoying all the fuss, that is the truth. Yes he's very frail but won't try to walk. He seems a bit confused this moment after waking up wanting to sell the furniture! I bought them a cordless doorbell with two units (one for her upstairs and one she can wear) so he only has to ring the bell instead of banfgng a saucepan with a spoon (I ask you!). And she slept upstairs sast night as she needed a sleep and we were surprised that he didn't ring the bell once, he said he was frightened but didn't want to disturb her. I don't know what's going on. He was dry all yesterday. I think for the first time he has control of where she is and he wants her there all the time. I said that he was acting better speechwise and looking perky and he said , Oh no I'm not, I'm never going to be better. and all this cos he had an infected toe and his silly ex-secretary took him to a chiropodist who beggared it all up. Sister had no idea they were going, and is furious cos he is diabetic and could have seen the NHS who know what they are doing. I'm just being here and supporting sister.
sorry about all this, but it seems so confusing as two months ago he was fine just waiting for heart op, now he's a complete shadow of himself.
I had a lovely dream of jno, she was lovely, and then I had acid reflux and thought I was choking, that would have been the huge curry I ate, it took ages for the soreness and feeling to leave my throat, and I vomited, I ask you. Next year I'm going far away on my own. I am taking Omeprazol!

Right not another moan!
Oh dear Neti. It sounds as if your poor BIL is suffering from a degree of dementia. I trust that the doctors are being informed of the change in his behaviour etc.

I honestly think that the service you get from the NHS depends on the area you live in and I think we are pretty lucky with our doctors' practice. I suppose it must be the same in Spain in some respects. My friend who lives there was not impressed with the fact that, after she had broken her foot recently, there was no help with getting hold of wheelchairs, crutches, etc. She was just expected to buy them!!

This isn't proving much of a break for you is it, Nets, although I am very sure your sisters must be very glad you are around. Take care of yourself.

Beautiful morning here after some rain last night.

I now have to go to Morrisons :o(

Hope the Woofies are doing OK.

Hugs, Lottie. xxxxx
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Morning's too chilly.

Neti it all sounds very stressful but I wouldn't say it's necessarily dementia, it's what illness coupled with fear and depression does to you I'm afraid. People say and do strange & out of character things. He might have an infection somewhere too. I hope for everyone's sake he gets more professional help.

Have spent abot 2hrs trying to fix the BT mail that I'm no longer able to send/receive. Haven't rung them, just the available online help. I am at my wits end and liable to explode at any moment...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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