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I've downloaded IE8

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dot.hawkes | 21:47 Sat 04th Oct 2008 | Technology
8 Answers
and now when i open AB there is no scroll bar on the right of my screen to browse down the page, any idea what i have been and gone and done?




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IE8 is still in beta, as far as I know.

What on earth have you downloaded it for?
Click on the compatibility mode button on the toolbar top right (ish)
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I don't know why but I was trying to sort out the problems with facebook and it appeared from somewhere lol
should i kick it into touch?
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thanks chuck it's back

I know why i downloaded it, i read on facebook that maybe my browser was not working with facebook
IE8 is a beta, but it seems to work ok and without too many issues.. and if you do get problems then compatibility mode sorts most out.

I'll stick to firefox myself though!
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it's quite cool how ab is in the full screen but if you put your curser to the top the toolbars appear!!!
dot - you can do that in Firefox.

Press F11 to get full screen, hover at the top to restore tabs and address bar
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I've never had firefox ever, where would i get it from? If I did get firefox, where would the IE go and would it mean i had too much on my laptop?

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I've downloaded IE8

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